EntConnect entrepreneurs conference underway
The EntConnect 2009 entrepreneurs conference is now underway. The keynote presentation this morning is by social media guru Bill French of MyST Technology, focused primarily on Twitter.
Whether you are an entrepreneur or thinking about starting your own business or simply need a good excuse to go skiing in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the Entrepreneurial Connections conference (EntConnect) may be just the conference you have been waiting for. Targeted primarily at engineers (hardware, software, and other) and others with a strong technical interest, it is more of a loosely-structured "unconference", with plenty of opportunities for a relatively small group of participants (15 to 40) to network or even give their own presentations on a very wide range of topics from technology, business strategy, intellectual property and legal issues, accounting issues, finance, marketing, sales, and even selling your business. With plenty of time to ski or otherwise enjoy the mountains and Denver area (great time to visit Boulder or Colorado Springs as well), the conference is a great opportunity to "learn and share" and otherwise have an "out of box" experience. Participants and speakers range over the full spectrum from wannabes and newcomers to successful young entrepreneurs and seasoned veterans. The conference is an excellent opportunity to meet up with former readers (and possibly even the publisher) of Midnight Engineering magazine as well. The conference runs from Thursday, March 26, 2009 through Sunday, March 29, 2009.
Visit the official conference Web site, EntConnect.org. It now has some agenda and schedule information, including skiing on Thursday and fun activities on Friday. I will be around both evenings, but traveling during the day on Thursday and up in Boulder on Friday.
I have been attending the conference since it first started in 1992 as ME SKI '92 and then evolved into ENTCON and then Entrepreneurial Connections or EntConnect.
For a little nostalgia, check out the original ME SKI '92 conference announcement.